Simple Foot, Ankle, and Achilles Training
5 minutes for improved foot, ankle, and achilles health.
Simple Training
In the lower leg, the calf area, there are several layers of tissue. Muscle tissue as well as layers of connective tissue (gastrocnemius, soleus, deep foot/toe flexors, plantar fascia, and achilles structures).
This training is a simple means of compressing training and time to affect these layers to make larger changes over time.
This training was filmed and performed from the achilles case I have written about in the past.
Anatomy and Trainable Elements
Joint workspace of the ankle
Capsular workspace of the ankle
Connective tissue architecture
CT load-bearing capacity. Behavioral qualities of the connective tissues.
Muscle tissue (fast/slow + conditioning or hypertrophic effects). In this instance we did 2 minutes of calf raises to produce slow-twitch conditioning-like effects.
This training emphasizes the connective tissue architecture of multiple layers (superficial to deep) and its ability to lengthen under load.
We begin in the most superficial layer and work our way deeper over time by changing the training position slightly.
After the 2.25-3 minutes of time under tension and at length, I like to train the regressive “stuff” of the foot (beware of cramping).
Training Solution
Ankle CARs
45 seconds in three different positions. Continuous tension from superficial to deep and blending connective tissue inputs in with holding isometrics (HIMAs)
2 minutes of calf raises
Ankle CARs holding a towel to work the toe and foot flexors
Try this training 2x a week. This client does this training every day every 6 hours — you can do this.
Rolling your foot on a golf ball, orthotics, shoes with 5-inch soles won’t solve your foot and ankle issues.
These aren’t bad things to wear or do. They just don’t create adaptation, only alter your experience or create quick temporary relief.
Definitely adding this in to my week. Thanks for sharing